Distraction or Destruction?
Distraction or Destruction?
Hello and welcome to Fransy Fancy English? These two nouns, may sound approximately the same but in reality they aren't related. Let's break them down!
When you want to work and concentrate and noises or notifications on your phone won't let you, then these are all distractions. They distract you from your work. Your focus is lost.
"You need to study somewhere else. There are too many distractions at home."
"Silence your devices to avoid distractions."
When you're distracted, it's hard for you to pay attention to what you are doing because of what is going on around you. Mobile phones, emails, background noise and conversations are all common distractions.
"Stop distracting me from my study!"
"The music distracted me from my work"
DESTOY (verb)
When a bomb goes off, it causes serious destruction. Destruction is the damage that something has done to a thing or a place. We can talk about environmental, rainforest, habitat and ozone destruction.
"The smoke of wildfires sets off chemical reactions in the stratosphere that contribute to the destruction of ozone."
"Farming leads to environmental destruction."
Destroy is the opposite of build. When you build something, you create it by putting the parts together. When you destroy it, you demolish or ruin it, making its restoration impossible. We can destroy the environment, planet, someone's career or someone's reputation.
"Johnny Depp and Amber Heard's abuse scandal destroyed their reputation."
"Don't let one mistake destroy your career."
"The floods in Afghanistan destroyed hundreds of homes."
"The burning of fossils fuels destroys the environment."
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