Existent, Existing or Existential?
Existing, Existent or Existential?
Hello and welcome to Fransy Fancy English! You're reading this post! Aha! This means that you exist, you're real.
EXIST (verb)
To exist is to be in this world and be alive. It has no passive form.
"We can't exist without air."
"Does life exist on Mercury?"
Your existence is the state of being present.
"I want to leave my dull existence behind."
EXISTING + noun (adjective)
As an adjective, it describes something used in the present, something that is currently being used. "Existing" goes before a noun.
"Existing methods should be improved." (the methods in use)
"The existing system is unsatisfactory." (the system in use)
EXISTENT (adjective) Formal
Use the adjective "existent" when you talk about something that is alive and active. Some key differences between "existing" and "existent":
1. The former is associated with being used in the present and the latter with being real. The opposite is non-existent its meaning is "not real."
2. "Existent" is formal.
3. "Existing" is only used before a noun,
"I think your problem is non-existent."
EXISTENTIAL (adjective) Formal
We all have existential questions when we face an existential crisis. Something existential concerns the human existence.
"The climate change is an existential threat to the world."
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