Fill up, Fill in, Fill out or Fulfill?

Fill up, Fill in, Fill out or Fulfill? 

Hello an welcome to Fransy Fancy English. Today, we'll be looking into the phrasal verbs fill up, fill in and fill out. As you may have noticed, we'll also touch on the verb fulfill which more often that not, gets mixed up with the rest.

FILL SOMETHING UP (with something)
FILL UP SOMETHING (with something)

You can use this phrasal verb when you make something full. The meaning is the same as fill. To illustrate, you can say:

"He filled my glass with champagne/wine/beer."  
"He filled up my glass with champagne/wine/beer."
"He filled my glass up with champagne/wine/beer."
"The bar/restaurant/office began to fill up with people."
"The bar/restaurant/office was filling with people."

In regard to your car's fuel or petrol tank, you can say:

"I need to fill the tank (with petrol/gas)."
"I stopped to fill up the tank (with petrol/gas)."
"We need to fill up (the gas tank)."
"I need to refuel."
"I'll have to gas up before we leave."
"We need to stop off and get gas/petrol soon."

When you put something into holes or gaps, use "fill" or "fill in".

"We filled the cracks with cement."
"The hole has been filled in with putty."

If you eat something before your main meal and you don't feel hungry, you fill up on or you fill up with what you ate. 

"Don't fill yourself up with sweets. The dinner is in an hour."
"I filled up on rice."
"The sandwich filled me up."

FILL SOMETHING IN (British English)
FILL SOMETHING OUT (American English)

When you write the information needed on a document, then you fill it in or out. 
We can fill in or out a form or an application.

"Fill in/out this form in capital letters." 
"Please fill in/out this application carefully."

If you have blanks to fill, say "fill in the blanks". 

"Fill in the blanks with the correct word."

FULFILL SOMETHING (American English)
FULFIL SOMETHING (British English)

When you carry something out successfully and you bring to completion, you fulfil it. People fulfil their wishes, dreams, goals and ambitions when they make them happen.

"At the age of 35, she finally fulfilled her ambition to start her own business."
"He fulfilled his dream to become a renowned writer."

In many areas of life, we need to fulfil some requirements, obligations, duties and needs and this means to succeed in doing what we have to do. 

"The applicants don't fulfil our requirements."
"Only a few candidates fulfil all the criteria for this position."
"No matter how much I try, I can't fulfil that role."
"He has failed to fulfil his duties as a father."

What do you think about this post? What kinds of content would you like to see more on this blog? Well, that's all for today! 


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