Hire, Recruit or Employ?
Hire, Recruit or Employ?
Hello and welcome to Fransy Fancy English! Let's look into theses words!
HIRE (verb)
HIRING (noun)
When someone is hired, they are going to be paid to do a short-term job.
"I would like to hire an interior designer for my new house."
"He was hired three two ago."
"He hired a private investigator to follow his wife."
"They aren't hiring now. Try sending your resume again in September."
When a job post opens up, the hiring process starts. The organization looks for new talents and the candidates submit their CVs.
"Who is responsible for hiring and firing in this company?"
RECRUIT (verb)
An organization starts recruiting a long time before a position opens and it is carried out regularly. To recruit is to search for, attract and retain the best talents for your company.
"It's difficult to recruit experienced staff."
"There are plans to recruit more candidates later this year."
Recruitment is a long-term strategy but a short-term process. It begins at the initial stages of employment and it usually involves permanent positions.
"They are going to launch a big recruitment drive in two months."
EMPLOY (verb)
To employ is to set up a contract and pay an employee for a long-term job. If you do well in an interview, you're hired. Congrats! You'll now be employed.
"How many people does your company employ?"
"We employ more than 1,000 qualified workers."
"She is currently employed by a bank."
"He is employed as a mechanic."
"They were employed to assist in the development of new equipment."
The opposite is "unemployed" which means "jobless". If you're temporarily unemployed, you are able to work but you don't have a job.
"One in three jobless workers in NYC are long-term unemployed."
"They have been unemployed for two years."
"How long have you been unemployed?"
"Have you been unemployed for over a year?"
"I've only been unemployed for a month."
"The closure of the car factory left hundreds of men unemployed."
"Unemployed workers can get up to 50 percent off train travel with a specialized railcard."
Employment comes after recruitment and it's when you are hired. A company can offer or give someone employment. People look for employment or seek employment when they are out of work.
"My brother is presently seeking employment."
"She has found employment in a store."
"I'm looking for full-time employment."
"These are the terms and conditions of your employment."
"The rate of employment has fallen/risen."
"Are there any employment opportunities in the area?"
"How can my employment prospects be improved?"
"Have you checked the clause in your employment contract?"
The state of not having a job is called unemployment. The unemployment can be high, low, serious, short-term or long-term. We have to find ways to reduce or fight unemployment.
"China's youth unemployment is rising."
"The unemployment rate remained at 35% in this region."
"Many countries have experienced an increase/rise/fall in unemployment."
"The level of unemployment is high/low/up/down/stable."
"We need to find ways to prevent/tackle/reduce unemployment."
Be/live/go/sign on the dole (BrE)
Be on / qualify for unemployment compensation (AmE)
Be/live/go on welfare (AmE)
When the unemployed receive money from the government, the are on the dole or on welfare.
"So many young people are on the dole."
"It's hard living on welfare."
"I've been on the dole for a year."
"How do I sign on the dole?"
"He was on the dole for five years before he got a job."
"If you work without signing off the dole you are breaking the law."
An employer is an organization or person that hires a worker (employee). So, you work for your employer.
"She sued her last employer."
"My present employer is generous and treats his staff well."
"Did your former employer pay poorly?"
An employee is a person who works for an organization or for someone else. There are full-time and part-time employees. An employee can be dismissed, sacked, laid off or made redundant.
"Intensive employee monitoring can actually backfire."
"Our company pays and treats its employees well."
"Some disgruntled employees filed complaints."
"When someone says they are a civil service employee or a civil servant, it means that they work for a government agency."
"They are going to take on/hire/recruit employees with stronger backgrounds."
"There are only 23 employees in his firm."
"The boss dismissed the employee as incompetent."
"He is a hardworking and loyal employee."
"Employees have a right to receive equal pay for equal work."
"Employee training is a work program that provides employees with specific knowledge and skills to facilitate and improve job performance in current roles."
"Rewarding employees for good performance is vital to motivating and retaining talent."
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