Hire, Recruit or Employ?
Hire, Recruit or Employ? Hello and welcome to Fransy Fancy English! Let's look into theses words! HIRE (verb) HIRING (noun) Hire When someone is hired, they are going to be paid to do a short-term job. "I would like to hire an interior designer for my new house." "He was hired three two ago." "He hired a private investigator to follow his wife." "They aren't hiring now. Try sending your resume again in September." Hiring When a job post opens up, the hiring process starts. The organization looks for new talents and the candidates submit their CVs. "Who is responsible for hiring and firing in this company?" RECRUIT (verb) RECRUITMENT (noun) Recruit An organization starts recruiting a long time before a position opens and it is carried out regularly. To recruit is to search for, attract and retain the best talents for your company. "It's difficult to recruit experienced staff." "There are plans to recrui...